Acting Like Our Father

Acting Like Our Father
by Pat McIntosh

Most, if not all of us have experienced our children trying to copy things we have done. I can
remember one night when I was leading singing I saw my son in the pew trying to hold his hand
the same way as I was while beating time to the song. Others have heard their sons say, “I want
to be a __________, when I grow up, just like my daddy.”

As Christians, we are to strive to be like our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. We have studied
numerous lessons indicating the need to make sure our character matches our profession. One
area, among many, in which this is vital to our walk of faith is that of reflecting on how we treat
those around us. In Matt. 5:43-48, Jesus addressed how we are to react to those who treat us
badly. Our “knee jerk reaction” to mistreatment would be to treat others in the same fashion.
How are we to respond when our spouse “gets under our skin?” How do we react to our boss,
who happens to be a real jerk? When someone attacks us personally, do we respond in kind or
“turn the other cheek?”

We have noted several times over last two months the fact that Christianity is not easy. Yet, there
are demands made of us and goals set that we must attain. Our character must match our
profession. In this case, how we deal with others is one way we can either show the world that
we are different due to our faith, or that we are really just like everyone else. What will we
choose? Are we different? How can they tell? How we respond is totally up to us and will speak
volumes of our character.

Sunday A.M. Sermon – Acting Like Our Father (Matt. 5:43-48)

  1. Traditional Interpretation – Ex. 23:4-5; Prov. 25:21-22
  2. How to Treat our Enemies
  3. Reasons to react in this fashion – Lk. 6:35-36; Rom. 5:8-10; 1 Jno. 4:10-11; Ep;h. 4:31-5:2

Sunday P.M. Lesson – James 1:5-8; 9-11

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